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GREEN LANTERN #83 May 1971

"Never again will super-heroes interfere with our orderly world!" bellows the fist-clenching, narrow-eyed figure on the cover of GREEN LANTERN #83, "DESTROY THEM!" Our heroes recoil in horror at whatever it is that is casting a huge shadow over them-- "We can't fight that!" wails Green Lantern, "We're finished!" It's February 1971 when the May edition of GREEN LANTERN first appears on sale, and dominating its cover is Neal Adams' unflattering, angry, ham-faced caricature of Republican Vice-President, Spiro Agnew-- As readers we fully understand the comic-book convention that if this guy wants to "destroy" our heroic duo, then he has to be a villain. We also know, if not from our own experience then certainly from the pages of this title, that the world is far from "orderly" as this fellow claims-- Exploitation, prejudice, poverty, war and hatred have all featured prominently in the preceding year's Denny O...

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